In 1947, the British left sub-continent after dividing it into two sovereign states ofIndia and Pakistan . Pakistan Air Force (PAF) was born immediately afterwards. Distribution of military assets between the new states was to follow. However, India with an inherent resentment towards the creation of Pakistan tried to subvert our capabilities by crippling Pakistan militarily. It denied the then Royal Pakistan Air Force (RPAF) even the officially agreed small portions of weapons, equipment and aircraft allocated by departing British as its legitimate share. Much of what was eventually received from India was inoperable. Crates of equipment contained nothing but scrap and waste. The RPAF got 16 fighter aircraft as its foundation. It started off with one squadron of eight Tempest aircraft and a small remnant of No 1 Squadron Royal Indian Air Force (RIAF) which was subsequently utilized to raise No 5 Squadron.
04 November, 1948 (AirBattle Near Nangaparbat) While returning in Dakota from an air supply mission to Skardu, Flying Officer Mukhtar Dogar was attacked by two IAF Tempest fighters. One of his crew member got martyred and the navigator was injured under the heavy enemy cannon fire. Dogar continued to evade the Indian fighters by flying down to the tree top level over the twisting Indus River in a narrow valley. He became the first recipient of Sitara-i-Jurat in PAF.
In 1933, British colonial government of India established the subcontinent’s first Air Force station near Drigh Road , now called PAF Base Faisal. In 1934, this element of the Royal Indian Air Force (RIAF) was extended to the north for operations in NWFP. The RIAF had also contributed to the defeat of Japanese invasion during World War II.
In 1947, the British left sub-continent after dividing it into two sovereign states of
Within three weeks of independence, Indian hegemonic designs sparked off the first war between Pakistan and India . Pakistan ’s young air arm was called upon to fly supply missions with one of the two war weary Dakotas . Contending with the unpredictable weather, the difficult terrain, and the enemy fighters was an uphill task. The strength was replenished with two more Dakotas only as the skirmishes resumed the following winters. In the narrow valleys of Kashmir, the stirring tale of Flying Officer Mukhtar Dogar defiantly scissoring his lumbering Dakota with pursuing RIAF Tempests taking pot-shots at him defined the fighting doctrine of the PAF, defend Pakistan and learn to fight outnumbered. Within the span of a year this young air force had completed 437 mercy drops, delivering more than 500 tons of supplies and food.
Whilst these brave pioneers were documenting the historic beginning of PAF, the force was faced with the enigma of finding aircraft to fly. However, despite the lack of funds and market places, PAF entered the jet age in August, 1951 with the induction of British built Attackers. Until mid-1950s PAF’s fighter force comprised nearly 100 Hawker Furies and a dwindling number of Tempests. Then, the first air defence radar was installed and the PAF was rapidly setting up its own advanced flying and technical training institutions. F-86 Sabers and T-33 jet trainers were inducted in PAF as a result of the United States (US) aid.
From 1955 to1965, the Air Force armed its squadrons with the most modern jet fighters and bombers, Sabers and F-104 Starfighters as fighters, B-57s as bombers and the ubiquitous C-130s as transport fleet. The seven years of rigorous training with realistic threat perception, planning and preparation had enabled PAF to inflict a humiliating defeat on the enemy in 1965 when the mutual hostility of the rival neighbours escalated into a war. PAF struck hard its rival and kept it reeling under tactics of shock and unpredictability. Many victories came to PAF pilots who exacted an even retribution on the enemy, leaving it in total disarray. At the end of the war, India had lost 110 aircraft with 19 damaged, not including those destroyed on the ground at night, against a loss of 16 PAF planes. Thus the outnumbered PAF emerged triumphant over a four times larger force, its air defence controllers, engineers, logisticians and hands just as much the heroes as its pilots.
The third war between the South Asian foes began when, in December 1971, the Indian Army crossed into East Pakistan and from the encircling air Bases ten squadrons of the IAF challenged the PAF’s only squadron, No 14, located at Dhaka . The Tail Choppers of 1965 rose heroically to meet the aggressors, and before their squadron was grounded by a bombed out runway, they and their ack ack gunners had destroyed 23 IAF aircraft. The PAF’s Mirages, B-57s, Sabers, F-6s and a few F-104s spearheaded Pakistan ’s retaliation from the west. At war’s end IAF had lost 130 aircraft in all. The three-to-one kill ratio that Pakistan scored, however, could not prevent the tragic fall of Dhaka . The trauma of separation of East Pakistan and a preventable military catastrophe affected all Pakistanis deeply and lingered long afterwards. However a stoic recovery was brisk. PAF soon reorganised and reequipped assimilating the new threat environment on the sub-continent.
During the Afghan war in the eighties, PAF had to keep a constant vigil on its western border. Despite the fact that PAF was not allowed hot pursuit into Afghanistan, the pilots and the ground controllers together managed to shoot down eight Soviet/Afghan aircraft without a single own loss.
The post-Afghan war period witnessed a resource constraint with the drying up of traditional sources. The immediate need for induction of a hi-tech aircraft was one part of the crises; the sheer sustenance of the fleet was another. Due to economic constraints, PAF went for cost effective purchases like A-5 aircraft and such upgrades as the ROSE, which gave the old Mirages very good nav-attack, weapon delivery, and other capabilities. With this, self-reliance picked up pace and PAF worked on Griffo radar, Mistral and Anza missiles simultaneously. To keep the ageing weapon systems & aircraft from becoming obsolete, chaff and flares dispensers, radar warning receivers, and laser automation for better weapon delivery were added to the old aircrafts.
The succeeding years witnessed many significant developments including the milestones achieved by the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC), Kamra such as F-7P overhaul, aircraft engines maintenance, the co–production of K-8 and Super Mushshaq aircraft, the quality standards achieved by Kamra Avionics and Radar Factory. Project JF-17 Thunder was conceived to replace the PAF’s ageing, medium-tech fleet of Mirages, F-7, and A-5 aircraft that would progressively retire from service. It is planned to be a multi-role, light-weight day/night all weather fighter. It would be able to attack ground targets and ships, and engage enemy aircraft at considerable ranges. The aircraft will be inducted in PAF by 2006 and will be co-produced at PAC Kamra. This technological edge will secure both better national security environment and economic benefits for the country.
Today, new maintenance concepts and facilities are based on a more direct communication, optimum use of software database and reliable electronic networks. Accompanying the technological developments, education and training are duly accentuated with special emphasis on R & D.
In the wake of war on terrorism and with the reality of living with an implacable opponent, Pakistan Air Force keeps on an all-time vigil. During Ops- Sentinel 2001-2002, when India had amassed its forces on Pak borders, PAF remained ready for dealing a telling blow to the enemy.
Derived from the national military objectives, the PAF leadership has clearly visualized and laid down the operational doctrine for the nation’s air arm. PAF takes its pick of the finest young people in the land. It has now acquired new depths of human skills and initiative. Together, all branches of PAF are delivering unprecedented serviceability rates and efficient management of all resources. Poised on the threshold of tomorrow, PAF remains, as the Quaid said, “Second to None”; fully abreast with the requisite will and mechanism to live by its standards in the coming millennium and beyond.
PAF was born on 14th of August 1947, with the independence of Pakistan . The growth of PAF is a story of unusual struggle and sacrifice. A tiny auxiliary Service, with a small number of personnel and insignificant equipment, emerging as a powerful weapon of the country’s defence, was a thrilling phenomenon. The dedication of its pioneers shaped the future of a force, destined to gain respect, after proving its worth in the wars of 1965 and 1971, where it outclassed a much larger enemy, India . The story of PAF is a tale of development, despite heavy odds and limitations. It is the narration of a nation’s desire, for preserving its freedom, through the use of technology and willpower, working side by side.
PAF made a humble beginning with two fighter and one transport Squadrons, a negligible infrastructure, non-existent command structure, and almost nil maintenance facilities. All it had was the courage and determination of a handful of its personnel, who left no stone unturned, in shaping PAF into the Air Force of today.
The modernization programme taken up by PAF in 1952 paid dividends in times to come. In a phased programme, the ‘Halifax ’, ‘Tempest’, ‘Attacker’, ‘Tiger Moth’, ‘Viking’, ‘Dakota’ and ‘Fury’ aircraft were progressively retired. With American, French and Chinese acquisitions, the PAF started flying F-86s, B-57s, F-104 Starfighters, F-6s and Mirages. This modernization programme started with the induction of F-86 Sabre, which changed the whole system of training, maintenance and operations. Air Power, was thus a major player in 1965 war, where the role played by both rival Air Forces, directly influenced outcome of the conflict. Particularly for the PAF, 1965 war brought out its fighting spirit, and implanted a culture of devotion and sacrifice.
Six years later, PAF once again met the call of duty for defence of the motherland. During 1971, separation of East Pakistan was a serious blow to the country. However, PAF fought valiantly on both fronts, and sacrificed blood for honour of the country.
Keenly learning from its war-experience and global developments, PAF embarked on a modernization programme for its Air Defence system. Pakistan Air Defence System known as ‘PADS’ was inducted to bolster PAF’s Air Defence Ground Environment. F-16 induction in the early 80s, brought in another era of technological resurgence for the PAF. Modern machines enabled PAF to master latest Air Power capabilities and techniques. These capabilities were put to good use during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan . The long period of mid and late 80s, was another test for PAF's fighting elements. Air Defence Alerts and Day / Night scrambles continued throughout the conflict, resulting in the shooting down of numerous intruding Soviet aircraft.
The post-Afghan war period for the PAF is a story of sanctions and of determination, to survive in a sanctioned environment. However, the ‘Pressler’, ‘Glenn’ and other Amendments, failed to dampen PAF’s spirit. Induction of F-7P and A-5 aircraft, was meant to offset the impact of these sanctions. Indigenization and integral strength of the organization, resulted in generating even more flying during the sanctioned period, in order to maintain operational preparedness.
Today PAF has 20 fighter Squadrons, an automated network of Air Defence Radars, complex maintenance facilities and an elaborate administration setup. In order to accomplish its mission in war, and to train for it in peacetime, PAF has evolved an adaptable and responsive organization.
To provide, in synergy with other services, the most efficient, assured and cost effective aerial Defence of Pakistan.
Integrity, Duty, Excellence
To be among the most respected Air Force of the world.
Pakistan Air Force | Pakistan Army | Pakistan Navy |
Air Chief Marshal ACM | General Gen | Admiral Adm |
Air Marshal AM | Lieutenant General Lt Gen | Vice Admiral V Adm |
Air Vice Marshal AVM | Major General Maj Gen | Rear Admiral R Adm |
Air Commodore Air Cdre | Brigadier Brig | Commodore Cdre |
Group Captain Gp Capt | Colonel Col | Captain Capt |
Wing Commander Wg Cdr | Lieutenant Colonel Lt Col | Commander Cdr |
Squadron Leader Sqn Ldr | Major Maj | Lieutenant Commander Lt Cdr |
Flight Lieutenant Flt Lt | Captain Capt | Lieutenant Lt |
Flying Officer Flg Off | Lieutenant Lt | Sub Lieutenant S/Lt |
Pilot Officer Plt Off | Second Lieutenant 2nd Lt | Midshipman |
Command is a subdivision of the Air Force assigned with a major part of the Air Force mission and directly responsible to the Air headquarters. The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) Commands and Command Headquarters are:-
Ø Northern Air Command (NAC) Peshawar
Ø Central Air Command (CAC) Lahore
Ø Southern Air Command (SAC) Faisal, Karachi
Ø Air Defence Command (ADC) Chaklala, Rawalpindi
Ø Air Force Strategic Command (AFSC) Islamabad
Direct Reporting Units:
A direct reporting unit is a subdivision of the Air Force directly subordinate to Air Head Quarters (AHQ), independent of any command or field operation agency because of its unique mission, legal requirements, or some other factors. These units are:-
Ø PAF Academy , Risalpur
Ø PAF Air War College , Faisal
Ø Air Weapon's Complex
Ø Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC)
Pakistan Aeronautical Complex located at Kamra (Attock) is directly responsible to the Ministry of Defence. Its roles and tasks include maintenance of various aircraft and radars on PAF inventory. It also provides similar maintenance services to foreign countries. Presently it is gearing up to undertake the joint production of JF-17 Thunder aircraft. It comprises the following factories:-
F-6 Rebuild Factory (F-6 RF)
Overhauls, repairs, upgrades of F-7 aircraft and relevant weapon systems.
Mirage Rebuild Factory (MRF)
Overhauls, repairs, upgrades of Mirage aircraft and relevant weapon systems.
Overhauls, repairs, upgrades of Mirage aircraft and relevant weapon systems.
Aircraft Manufacturing Factory (AMF)
Manufactures Mushshak, Super Mushshak and subassemblies for K-8 Aircraft.
Manufactures Mushshak, Super Mushshak and subassemblies for K-8 Aircraft.
Kamra Avionics and Radar Factory (KARF)
Produces, rebuilds and repairs avionics and air defence systems.
Produces, rebuilds and repairs avionics and air defence systems.
04 November, 1948 (Air
10 April, 1959 (The First Blood, Rawalpindi ) The first pilot to shoot down an IAF aircraft was Flying Officer Younus. In his F-86F Saber, he shot down an Indian Canberra which was on a Photo Recce mission high over Rawalpindi on an Eid day.
6 September, 1965 (Strike on Pathankot) Eight F-86Fs of No 19 Squadron struck Pathankot airfield on 6 September 1965. With carefully positioned dives and selecting each individual aircraft in its protected pen for their strafing attacks, the strike elements completed a textbook operation against Pathankot. Wing Commander M G Tawab, flying one of the two Sabres as tied escorts overhead, counted 14 wrecks burning on the airfield. Most of the aircraft destroyed on the ground were the IAF’s Soviet-supplied Mig-21s received till then. None of them was seen again during the War. Tied escorts consisted of Wing Commander M G Tawab (later Air Marshal and Air Chief of Bangladesh Air Force) and Flight Lieutenant Arshad Sami. Squadron Leader Sajjad Haider led the strike elements in this formation. Along with him were Flight Lieutenants M Akbar, Mazhar Abbas, Dilawar Hussain, Ghani Akbar and Flying Officers Arshad Chaudhry, Khalid Latif and Abbas Khattak (later Air Chief Marshal and CAS, PAF).
7 September, 1965 (The Ace of Sargodha ) Sqn Ldr M M Alam in his F-86F Saber, chasing one of the five hunters, he shot during the 65 war. Intercepting an attack of six Hawker Hunters on the morning of 7 September, Alam blew their “tail-end Charlie” with his Sidewinder. As the rest five Hunters broke left in front of Alam’s guns, he performed a well-documented feat of gunnery by shooting four of the Hunters in rapid succession destroying two and damaging two. So far, he remains the top scorer in the Indo-Pak Sub continent.
21 September, 1965 (C-130 Hercules Bombing Indian Artillery, BRB Canal) The painting shows a C-130, piloted by Wing Commander Zahid Butt, on the night of 21 September 1965, during its bombing run over an Indian artillery regiment deployed along the BRB canal. More than 40 out of 72 heavy guns were completely destroyed, thus foiling Indian attempts to concentrate their heavy gunfire over the city of Lahore in the closing stages of the war.
7 June, 1967 (Hunter Vs Mirages, 1967-Iraq) Flight Lieutenant Saiful Azam, PAF, destroys an Israeli Mirage in Iraq . The painting shows his second encounter with Israelis in the Middle East , in which he is shown despatching one of the Mirages that were escorting the Israeli Vatour bombers. Moments later, he shot down one of the two escaping Vatour bombers, seen in desert camouflage flying at low altitude in the background. Two days earlier he had shot down an Israeli Super Mystere over Mafrak Air Base, Jordan. The officer was decorated with gallantry awards after the war both by Jordan and Iraq . He had already earned Sitara-i-Jurat during the 65 war when he shot down an Indian Gnat.
5 December, 1971 (Attack on Okha) During the night of 4 December 1971, Indian Osa missile boats attacked the Pakistan Navy, hitting a destroyer, PNS Khyber and a minesweeper, PNS Hafeez, to the southeast of Karachi . The Indian missile boats were a very serious threat not only to the Navy but also to other Pakistani ships in the Arabian Sea and in the Karachi harbour. Pakistan retaliated by causing extensive damage through a single B-57 attack on Indian naval base Okha. The bombs scored direct hits on fuel dumps, ammunition dump and the missile boats jetty. The missile boat attacks on Pakistani naval installations ceased thereafter. Flight Lieutenant Shabbir A Khan piloted the B-57 mission while Flight Lieutenant Ansar navigated it.
14 December, 1971 (A Gnat is Shot) Flt Lt Saleem Beg Mirza was the leader of the escort section to a formation of four F-86s, striking Srinagar Air Base. Flg Off Nirmaljit Singh Sekhon in his Gnat tried to intercept the raid but was shot down by Flt Lt Saleem Beg. Flg Off Nirmaljit was credited by IAF for shooting two F-86s but in fact all the six F-86s, including both the escorts and the fighting elements, returned safely to Peshawar .
26 April, 1974 (PAF Pilot Downs an Israeli Mirage, 1974- Syria) This is an encounter over Golan Heights between a Mig-21 of the Syrian Air Force picture and two Israeli Mirages. A Mirage is seen disintegrating after being hit by a missile while the Mig-21, flown by Flight Lieutenant Sattar Alvi, PAF, prepares to engage the second Mirage. An added feature of this engagement was that the Air Defence Controller, Sqn Ldr Saleem Metla was also a Pakistani. While leading a Mig-21 patrol along the border, Sqn Ldr Arif Manzoor, also of the PAF was apprised of the presence of two Israeli Phantom aircraft and was cautioned that these could be decoys while two other fast tracks approaching from the opposite direction might be the real threat. The latter turned out to be Mirages and a moment later Alvi, in Arif’s formation saw the No 2 Mirage breaking towards him. All this time, heavy radio jamming by Israeli ground stations was making things difficult but the Pakistani pilots were used to such tactics. Sattar forced the Israeli pair into close combat, firing his K-13 missile at the first opportunity. The Israeli wingman’s Mirage exploded into a ball of fire, while the leader quickly disengaged.
17 May, 1986 (F-16 Destroys an Intruder) Squadron Leader A Hameed Qadri of No 9 Multi Role F-16s Squadron watching the SU-22 which, being hit by his AIM-9L missile, has turned into a ball of fire. The encounter took place at 16,000 feet over Parachinar, during the Afghan War, 1979-1988.
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